Crown Heights (2004 TV Movie)
Watch it and see what you think
15 January 2012
This film is actually quite good it's just the director kills it a little bit this film deserves more credit to be honest. The acting is good but i admit it's not one of the greatest films I've ever seen but if Steven Spielberg directed this movie it would be fantastic. Watch this movie it's interesting and bits of it are funny don't just not watch it cause it isn't the most popular film in the world. You could be missing out on a lot... it's based on a true story of how a Jewish guy and a black boy become best friends despite the differences WATCH IT!XXXX XXXX XXX XXX XXXXX XXX XXX XX XXXX KLM KLJ KHJ KBHJG YDRRDCF GDRESXD FZWEQA RGSFGC FGJVJ HGKU.BJBJ HBJ KH ;L sorry for the random words i couldn't think of what else to say
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