Review of A New World

Angel: A New World (2002)
Season 3, Episode 20
A fish-out-of-water tale, and the introduction of a divisive character.
19 January 2012
Before i say anything, let me say two points:

I don't want to incorporate, here, what we all know will happen, but, stick specifically to what is known as of THIS pointing the series.

I also want to reflect on my this episode A NEW WORLD, by commenting on the first user review I saw: katierose295.

As I write this, it's now '12 - almost 5 years after she wrote her review. While the series has been off the air (new episodes) for almost a decade, ANGEL still lives on, in perpetuity on TNT (which is how I initially got hooked in the first place).

As ANGEL is shown in a never-ending loop, you develop insight as to when a particular season, story-arc, etc. will begin.

In A NEW WORLD, we see for the first time, a (physically - definitely not emotionally) mature Connor, Angel's son, for those who might not know.

With this episodes intro, we're given a quick back-story, and, then, we're met with a animal-skin covered (or, as the drug dealer, Tyke says, a 'chamois suit') Connor - whose escaped from the hell-dimension Quor'Toth.

I mentioned katierose295, and, now, I'll tell why I mentioned her:

She makes it quite clear that she dislikes Connor above all other characters in the BuffyVerse.

She explains that, amongst her reasons for disliking him, are, he's 'uninteresting,mug sympathetic, and annoying.'

I, too - have similar feelings about Connor (as do many others), but, katierose295's comments being the first I saw, they stuck out.

And, I thought about what she said.

The thing is, I think the character, Connor is SUPPOSED to be a 'sullen teenager,' pushed to extreme characterisation.

People can argue whether or not he's justified in his beliefs (basically, his father 'abandoned' him, and, didn't 'do anything' to get him back. Personally, I think Angel did all that he COULD do), but, as the character Connor is of main-focus, in this season, he brings a lot of controversy to this season.

A NEW WORLD's major story line, is a 'fish-out-of-water' story, about Connor.

After his violent introduction to Team Angel (I live their version of 'bullet-time.' What would YOU call it - 'arrow-time?'), Connnor heads into an unknown world; Los Angeles.

His first encounter is with a conflict, between a drug user, named Sunny, and her drug dealer, Tyke.

From Connor's unknowing point-of-view, he sees a woman in distress, and acts accordingly.

Sunny brings Connor into her home - an abandoned hotel, where she shoots up, explaining to Connor, that she's 'sick,' and the dope's her 'medicine.'

After Sunny OD's, Connor - from the look on his face - feels abandoned, again.

His first introduction to our 'civilised' world, immediately appears to him, just as dangerous, as the dimension he's just escaped from.

I don't want to give a blow-by-blow story-line, but, it's from this 'damaged' first introduction, that Connor's views are shaped.

Yes, he's a. VERY damaged young man, who has not had any stabilised guidance in his life. He's been raised by a man, who's Angel(us)'s sworn enemy, and, has been thrust into something very alien, to him.

As I initially said, how katierose295 dislikes Connor (I don't mean to pick on you!), I understand what Mr. Wheaton wanted to do, but, I think the Connor character's introduction, and subsequent hatred could've been handled better.

Given Mr. Whedon's usual writing abilities, I come down harder, on him. He should've been able to handle Connor with more finesse.

But, given what we are, this is a story-arc that will have strong importance, throughout this season.

I still give this episode a '7,' because overall, the writing is heads-over-heels far better than on most series.

Still, it's hard for me - as it apparently is for others - to separate Vincent Katheiser's performance AS Connor, from the actor himself.
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