Bite Marks (2011)
All in all a good film
20 January 2012
I found this film to be amusing. The one-liners are better then the jokes made in most "comedies". The vampires look like actual vampires unlike the sparkling fairies of "twlight" and they do some damage. It uses some of the lesser known aspects of vampires that are found in the mythology. For example the in classic vampire mythology vampires are capable of manipulating what and how a person thinks they are also able to read people's minds. The only criticisms I have for it is that the special affects are kinda cheap but the vampires do look really good though. The other criticism would be the storyline doesn't really go anywhere, but considering it is a cross between a comedy and a horror the story line doesn't really need to go anywhere. I would say by the end it made me laugh and kinda freaked me out.
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