Napoleon Dynamite hits TV
22 January 2012
The return of Napoleon Dynamite, is it all it is cracked up to be? Given the movie premiered around 6-7 years ago, It became a great underdog hit, the one that gave Jon Heder his acting career. The movie was a 'hate it or love it' type of movie as I say, and I had always loved Napoleon Dynamite for its awkward, quirky humour. The TV show doesn't fall short of the same type of humour, but rather it is filled with even more ridiculous and unpredictable outcomes. The TV show still has the great characters, and as far as I know, the same actors doing the voices, and same creators. With this being said, it gives Napoleon Dynamite the same creativity it had a few years back. Seeing that they were airing the TV show on my Canadian Global channel, I had rather low expectations. I remember starting to watch it thinking, Napoleon Dynamite was a one time only thing, and should have been kept like that. However I would be rather enjoyed with the airing of the first episode, though it is hard to compare to a movie, it was still rather funny. The awkward moments and odd humour still seemed to amuse me, and they seemed to still keep it rather fresh. The only thing I was not a big fan of was the unexpected, totally random, family guy type of moment. However I will not hold that against the show, it keeps me entertained, and that was the point. I also can't think of anything else they are missing, that falls short of the original Napoleon Dynamite, it seemed to me it was well integrated into a TV show.

The point of the show was to entertain with the same awkward humour as the original, it does not fall short. Though some moments may be misplaced or ridiculous, it was still worth a watch.

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