Love (I) (2011)
A half-baked cake
28 January 2012
This is an idea, not a story. I am very tolerant of abstract artistic pursuits, and this would have been fine if it was a short film that didn't need to have a point. But it was a feature length movie, and it never got past the idea phase in order to start actually telling a story. I have seen thousands of movies in my life, and this is one of maybe half a dozen that I actually regretted watching. It made me angry at the end that I had wasted that time of my life, and that the filmmakers had the audacity to pawn off this artistic exercise as a movie. Had it been presented as something else, I might have been able to enjoy it. Just don't go into this thinking you'll be watching a movie. I have a sneaking suspicion that the vast majority of the people who gave this film good reviews are just pretending to understand and like it in order to make themselves feel smarter than they actually are (an unfortunately common occurrence with abstract art in every medium). There are, of course, also those who just applied their own meaning that has little to nothing to do with the actual ideas behind this work, and as such they like it immensely, since they made it. Nobody but the filmmakers themselves actually enjoyed this movie for what it is alone, though, I can assure you that.
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