Philosophically Speaking
28 January 2012
This movie appeared to me to be a strange combination of a devilishly dark comedy blended with the bloody gore of cheap horror flicks but with minute sprinklings of philosophy on top. The end result was an incoherent display of cinematic chaos that was disappointing to say the least. The philosophical elements touched upon the controversial subject of predestination where it would not matter what we choose in the realm of Good versus Evil because that is what was supposed to happen no matter what as though such choosing was already determined in advance by Fate as opposed to us being boldly empowered by our Infinite Creator with the unconditional gift of free-will whereby at least as far as our eternal destinies are concerned, WE decide the finality of our fate by our final decisions (preferably based on the experiential wisdom of cosmic enlightenment learned in part from the previous selection of unwise choices that are the inevitable result of being born in the cradle of imperfection), choosing either to forever EMBRACE or forever REJECT Truth, Beauty and Goodness (more gifts from God, the Giver of all Life) thereby surviving our trial trip in the flesh to continue our adventurous journey towards God by progressively becoming more like Him. I perceive the plan of Paradise ascension as having been preordained (God thought about it first and then had His Architects draw up the blueprints for The Plan) but our personal participation in this plan is NOT preordained (even if God should foreknow the freewill acts of His children, such foreknowledge does not in the least abrogate our freedom to choose). As you can probably tell by now, I reject the false teaching that we have no say in the matter when it comes to choosing Good over Evil and faithfully believing in the spiritual reality of God instead of the lifeless theories of a mechanistic materialism that are filled with dead notions that deny and then lie by seeing only with one blinded eye.
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