A Remarkable "Must-See!"
31 January 2012
Visually titillating and emotionally captivating –a story that grabs hold of you and refuses to let go, and still you fall in heartbreak. I didn't just watch this film –I was moved by this film, and Mr. Schaeffer's ability to craft and articulate such unfettered emotion with boldness and honesty. And like silent movies and silent moments speak a truth, it touches every emotion –then lets you "Fall" all over again.

A must see film. I strongly recommend to all as it will make you smile, laugh and cry, and at times tickle you silly. It will make you uncomfortable as you take comfort in its honesty. And you will at times feel your heartbeat as the film connects with the core of everyone's desire to be loved, and what you would do for that love. You will watch. You will feel. You will be moved still.
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