Woke Up Dead (2009)
I think it's supposed to be kind of bad
31 January 2012
The other reviews make a point of how bad the acting is and how corny. I think the show is best watched in the short segments it was originally made in. I've only seen the first four episodes but I think it is a kind of neat idea that someone could wake up a zombie and not know why. The show is unlike any other zombie show or movie when there are hundreds of them running around and eating everyone else. It's funny to see a relatively intelligent guy coming to terms with the fact that he may in fact be dead. I like the acting, it's realistic. Jon Heder is always this way, no matter what he's in. I like him best as the voice of Chicken Joe in Surf's Up. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of the episodes. I don't find it laugh out loud funny, but there are enough amusing incidents during the unfolding of the plot that it keeps me watching. This is one of those shows where it's so bad it's good.
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