Sweet Sue - Please Don't Blame Her For This Movie!!!!
3 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Quick success at 21, failure at 22 and a place at the top again at 23" - that was the Sue Carol story according to Photoplay in 1930. She and her co-star Nick Stuart married and that may have resulted in Fox's loss of interest, maybe it was just bad films like this. Her "comeback" was in the controversial "Check and Double Check" - the movie that bought radio superstars Amos 'n Andy to the big screen. Even though it doesn't hold up today, in 1930 it was Radio's biggest money maker. Before Arthur Lake found the role he was born to play in Dagwood, he would have to have been the most irritating, whiney young actor ever in films and poor Sue Carol had the misfortune to be his co-star in a couple of them.

Based on the play "Tommy" but named for the popular song "That's My Weakness Now" and designed to lure in the teen set, this pretty inane movie is all about a girl who can't make up her mind. Everyone loves Tommy (Arthur Lake), too much, thinks Uncle Dave (William Collier Jnr.). Whenever Tommy visits Marie (Carol) her parents monopolize him and he obliges by always bringing them gifts,so that Marie feels left out. She is also very stubborn and when she begins to feel pressured by her parents into marrying Tommy she turns to his rival, Bernie. The silliness of this movie is beyond belief as Uncle Dave gets involved by advising Tommy not to be a "sissy" and to show his darker side - enough to get him thrown out of the house. If that happens, Dave promises to sell some acreage Tommy has inherited, to a wealthy widow who wants it for a golf course. He also thinks that Marie, in defiance of her parents, will marry Tommy out of sheer stubborness.

There are no award winning performances in this movie. The majority of it takes place in the family living room as Tommy attempts to become the town bad boy by buying Marie's mother rock candy and butterscotch (instead of her usual chocolate marshmallows) and refusing to help father (Lucien Littlefield) with his crossword puzzle. The thing that really turns them against him is when they think he has sold his land. Times have been tight for them and Tommy has promised not to sell his land until they sell theirs. One of the only funny comments in the movie is when father (who years before thought there was no future in automobiles and decided to stick with horses) claims that last year hadn't been too bad, business wise, "Why" Tommy says "did someone buy a horse"!!! Of course Tommy is innocent of the underhand tactic, that was all Uncle Dave's idea but no one will believe him!!! Will Marie elope with Bernie, will Tommy become a man or a mouse - who cares???

Sue Carol was cute and tried hard but she was defeated by her madly mugging co-star Arthur Lake - please don't blame her for this movie!!! Lucien Littlefield bought out his usual bag of tricks and William Collier Snr. playing the only person with any sense walked away with the movie!!!
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