The Sleeper (2012)
Couldn't wait for it to end
4 February 2012
Shame really, the plot was good

However the whole thing was spoilt by the most appalling acting I have ever seen and that includes amateur productions. It was wooden throughout and one felt like they wanted to shake the cop up to bring him alive.

I agree with the last op, there were many holes in it and the script was just dreadful. Why on earth would a cop ask a frightened girl to walk alone from one house to another with a serial killer on the loose. As if that wasn't enough, he later sent her out in the dark alone to go and get help.

Hunting a serial killer and only a couple of cops on the job? PLEASE

I could go on but unfortunately there is not much more to comment on, the substance was that bad. If course when you see the credits you begin to understand why it was so bad. All family made and friends hired to do the writing and acting. I would be surprised if the budget was more than $200,000,,,it really was that bad.

Those that wrote in the good reviews here are probably connected to the movie team,,,"" Great Acting"",,,yeah right, maybe they were watching a different movie than I did

I gave it 1 point and that was only because it is not possible to give minus marks
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