Stunning yet Revolting and Scary = Artistic ???
7 February 2012
I just watched this film and it sort of touched me in many ways. It struck a positive note with me for its camera/video/audio/narrative style which was nothing short of simply outstanding.

At the same time, however, the film had a truly disturbing, upsetting, revolting and petrifying effect on me with its emotionally and psychologically overwhelming and, I'd even go as far as to say, "vein slashing" subject that keeps you both physically and mentally captivated, engrossed, mesmerised and, most of all, simply put, shocked.

It has been the second most unpleasant movie script and subject matter to swallow and digest in my entire film loving experience after the notorious Irreversible (2002). Yet it has also climbed up the ladder to the top of my preference and recommendation list for the quality of its presentation.

Up until today I was having great difficulty understanding, never mind explaining, the concept and meaning of the word "ART". From now on, if someone asks me for a definition of that word, I will just point out this film as one of the most precise, elaborate yet bearably succinct medium towards its comprehension. Certainly not everyone's cup of tea, especially, the faint hearted. It is, nonetheless, a "must watch" !!!
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