Coup d'état
10 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After the realisation that they can't stay on Earth the Colonial Fleet and the rebel Cylons head away; hoping to find a suitable home but with no specific location in mind and certainly no expectation of finding any other people. Since the Cylons are now part of the fleet they wish to be given full citizenship and a place on the Quorum in exchange for Cylon upgrades that will triple the efficiency of the colonial FTL drives. The problem is Tom Zarek pushes for the council to give each ship the right to decide whether or not the want Cylon technology. Several decide they don't want it and Adama is forced to issue a mandate stating that the installation is a military matter. The mining ship mutinies and under instruction from Zarek jumps away from the fleet. Clearly he has gone to far so Adama orders his arrest. While this is going on Lt. Gaeta is getting more and more bitter; feeling that the Cylons are getting special treatment while he is expected to get on with life after losing his leg. Ultimately this leads to him making a drastic move that will affect everybody in the fleet.

This was not an action filled episode but set up events that will have probably have repercussions for much of the remaining series. It is hard to judge an episode like this in isolation; I feel that it set things up for what is to come in a good way although I only know that because I've seen later episodes before! The acting was solid as always; I was particularly impressed with Alessandro Juliani's portrayal of Lt. Gaeta as his character went from being a fairly inoffensive character who quietly obeyed orders to a bitter man ready to lead a Coup d'état. It was also good to learn how Tyrol and Cali could have a baby without him being considered special like Hera.
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