Review of Touch

Touch (2012–2013)
And Go.
23 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Good to see Keifer again but not Kring.

His touch was all too apparent in this globe hopping fantasy.

Can enjoy fluff without feeling the need to endow it with grandiose virtues and qualities.

So no talk of great mystery and mysticism and other nonsense. Even a nodding acquaintance with autism will show you what a struggle it can be for all involved. No, it's not magical.

So autistic kid seeing the future is pure invention, not insightful or thought provoking. As unreal as people strapping a bomb to your chest and then letting you go free to install a new oven.

The pilot was intriguing but in a decidedly time-bound way. No blank cheque here. Has one or two more episodes to show where it is going.

Is Keifer going to turn into some sort of hero. Are there going to be random stories of ovens and singers/call centre employees. What part will the boy play.

The random stories were ridiculous and Keifer has done 24, so not holding out much hope for this one.

Wish them well.

Thank you.

According to Danny Glover/Kring kid and Kiefer are meant to relieve pain instead they caused it.

Agonising second episode. Clichéd Indian, kid who can't really scream, social worker who can't really act, painfully overearnest Kiefer and Danny Glover doing god knows what.

Thought it couldn't get more excruciating than dog showing up at stadium but underestimate bad TV at your peril.

Loanshark is reformed by phone call, Lyov the city navigating wonder dog shows up at bridge to reunite suicidal father and estranged daughter and two caricature Japanese chicks obliviously wander through it all filming themselves.


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