Fringe: The End of All Things (2012)
Season 4, Episode 14
Septembris vel initio ad finem omnia?
25 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Once again I had to stand up to watch an Episode of Fringe. And once again, I try to put my feelings about it in this review. It's hard. I know what I want to say, but sometimes it gets lost between my brain and my fingers. So please bear with me this week.

CSI Director Jeffery G Hunt directs this episode with CSI precision.

This "Monster of the Week" story is fully blended with the Mythos arc in this Fringe out of Time episode - Which gives us a powerful story which once again provides one answer and 100 new Questions.

I was getting used to the idea that Peter would eventually stay in this Orange Fringe 'Verse- And maybe the return of Olivia's Memory indicated that "somehow" (By magic maybe) the timeline would "Snap back" to the way it was when the series started- in the Blue Fringe 'Verse.

But that is not what is happening at all. Peter's existence here, is a Misnomer. Peter is a Man without a Home. He had MADE a Home, in the Blue 'Verse. But that was taken from him, or, he gave it up when he gave Himself up to get into the Machine.

This whole season has been a World Out Of Time. Peter is Disjointed from His Universes: All four of them.

In this Episode, Peter gets a personal view of September's Mind. But even while Peter is standing at the threshold of ultimate Knowledge, he is also being prevented from knowing any more than what September will allow him to know.

I get the impression that September himself does not know how Peter brought himself back, and also that The Observers are protecting their own interests and existence.

This is "The Butterfly Effect" (The Original one) gone Mad.

Olivia and Nina are being held by Jones. But Nina is also being held by Broyles. More than one MacGuffin is being tossed out here, following the trail is like watching Five Hitchcock Films at the same time.

And Now, David Robert Jones has ammunition to use against Peter. Will it be a race to see if Peter can get Home before Jones can use what he now knows? I just can't see how this can get any more convoluted. Which is why I eagerly will wait the Three Weeks for the final Episodes of This Season.

Perhaps Stephen McHattie was right, when his 2nd Season character "Colonel Raymond Gordon" said regarding The Observer's briefcases: "What's in These Briefcases will Destroy us All" - because it certainly seems like The Observers, with their so-called Non-Interference policies, will effect the end of their own existence and possibly Peter's and Olivia's as well.

I Eagerly await being proved wrong.
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