Review of Luck

Luck (2011–2012)
...until a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all."
26 February 2012
Or, if an "Emperor/Clothes" metaphor doesn't do it, how about horse racing? In short, a horse (show) with this pedigree (in this case actors + producer + director + HBO) ought to be a lot more fun to watch.

If these Students of Acting were trying to re-create a Greek-Chorus-Style-Tragedy for study in post-graduate Theatre, or something that accurately captured the nuances of horse racing / breeding, they did a fine job. If they were trying to create something entertaining to the hoi-polloi (the rest of us), they got scratched at the gate.

Being avid fans of Deadwood, Six Feet Under, and the Sopranos; we really wanted to like this. Now, it's "what else is on?"
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