Deceptive, Shameless
28 February 2012
As an avid watcher of National Geographic and big-cat films I was able to spot the deception this supposed "documentary" tries to pull off. My great excitement immediately plummeted when i recognized footage from other videos being inserted into this one to complete the storyline- in other words create a story where there was none.

It happened numerous times, each time i was surprised how low a film by what you would think is an honorable company- national geographic- would sink to.

The lack of honesty in what was supposed to be a documentary destroyed any value this film had for me. I only gave it three stars because there were cool visuals, even though the story was dreck.

There are some good videos out there. Go watch Lions and Hyenas: Eternal Enemies. That will really knock your face off and you won't grow a long nose like Pinnochio for watching it.
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