CSI: Miami: See No Evil (2010)
Season 9, Episode 3
A Blind Sherlock Holmes And A Returning Tough-Guy Villain
8 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't pretend to know exactly what it's like to be blind and exactly to what effect it affects your other senses, but the young blind man in here seems to be a little too accurate as a "witness" to be credible.....I mean the guy is better than Sherlock Holmes. However, that's the story here as "Ben Wilcox" (Jonathan Keltz) is in a bathroom at the beach and overhears a woman being murdered. The killer then realizes someone is in the room, finds the blind witnesses, calls his useless and hits him in the face.

The cool part of this story was that the man who we can all see is responsible for the crime seems to have an air-tight alibi. He was in prison! How he could be "out" and commit this murder? The answer is very interesting.

Once again, John Sharian is really good as the thug "Joe LeBrock." The latter had been part of a two-part story back in 2007. He's a scary dude, to say the least.
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