Crazy, Confused, Normal (2007–2021)
This show doesn't make sense anymore
11 March 2012
Although the first, second, somehow third seasons were interesting and there were funny moments, 4., 5. and now 6. season is absolute garbage. Episodes are uninteresting, script is boring, acting became unconvincing and irritating and most of jokes and funny stuff are repeating from some previous episodes.

I don't know why is this show still on?! It's like writer and director are trying to prove us that this show is still funny and that changing actors and bringing some new can make it good as it was in 1. and 2. season?! Even if they could bring some Academy Awards actors that wouldn't help them to make it better. This should be ended with season 3 and that's it. All the humor was in these, later it is just a big step backward, and all story became like some low-budget amateur movie.

I don't know how producers could even support making the new season, which is, so far the worst. (Most of new episodes have flashback from old episodes) This show (particularly half of 4., and all 5. and 6. season) doesn't make sense anymore. It has no humor, it has stupid and boring script! End this show, while the series still has some dignity of old glory...Otherwise you'll destroy it completely.
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