Review of Angel Baby

Angel Baby (1961)
I just wan't to bring folks back to God that's all!
11 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Remarkable film about the evangelist movement in the deep south-cira 1960-that was overshadowed by the release of the Academy Award winning movie "Elmer Gantry" around the same time by the same studio Columbia Pictures. Angie Brooks played by busty blond and angelic looking Salome Jens is known around town as the girl who can't say no since she lost her voice at the age of eight. That's when her drunken father coming home stoned from work beat her and her mom, Victoria Adams, almost to a pulp and then just, before the cops could catch him, disappeared from sight!

It was just a hope but Ma Brooks takes Angie to this revival meeting where the preacher Paul Strand, George Hamilton, is said to be able to cure people that the medical profession can't. Amazingly Angie is able to talk, the very first world out of her mouth was "God", when Paul puts his hands on her neck and prays. With Paul getting a bit too friendly with Angie his wife fellow evangelist Sara Strand, Marcedes McCambridge, gets good and jealous of her in trying to take her prize package, Paul, away from her.

Angie for her part has become very spiritual since her voice came back and is now part of the road show or the revival meeting staged by the Strands that's knocking em dead,or bringing them back to life, all throughout the south. Now known as Angel Baby Angie is forced to go solo or on her own when a jealous Sara has her thrown out for getting a bit too cuddly with her handsome and far younger husband Paul. It's when Angie's new manager snake oil salesman Sam Wilcox,Roger Clark, tries to put the curing of the sick blind and infirmed into her act that things really start to go south, deep deep south, for her. Without Angie's knowledge Wilcox pays a number of local townspeople to fake being blind or crippled so she can cure them with the power of prayer! This gives Sara who by now was on the outs with her husband Paul the chance to expose Angie in the upcoming standing room only revival meeting she's about to participate in!

***SPOILERS*** Wild final with Sara, who ended up getting killed in the stampede, exposing Angie as a fraud in front of all her followers, many waiting in line to be cured by her, as all hell breaks loose among the revival tent audience. With Paul in trying to prevent the carnage trying to get Wilcox to admit to the unruly crowd his sin in faking Angie's healing powers the guy is so drunk that he can't even put two words together! What in the end makes everything right for Angie as well as those of us watching the movie is that now exposed as a fraud she's reluctantly forced to do just one more miracle,which knows she's incapable of doing,in giving a little boy back his ability to walk. Without believing in herself, after what she just went through, but still believing in a higher power what at first was deemed to be impossible to her suddenly not only became possible but a fact of life!

P.S Check out a young and ultra horny Burt Reynolds as local home boy Hoke Adams who spends all the time he's on the screen trying to make it with a very reluctant Angie. Going so far as attending one of her revival meeting just to get a chance to hit on her.
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