I can not believe I'm the first to write a review for such an important film
15 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Please note: If you are a anti-Castro terrorist/extremist, please do not take offense to my point of view, I have no intentions of distributing or spreading my viewpoints further than this. I do not wish to get involved or hinder your efforts in anyway. I just like to write an honest review for movies that I find fascinating.

In a nutshell: this movie is about how a select few of the ex-Cubans who fled Castro was willing and have engaged in terrorist methods which have resulted in the loss of hundreds of innocent lives. I will attempt a concise logical reasoning of this situation.

The pre-Castro was corrupt, mobsters and gambling. Castro overthrew it. Now the exiles are mad because of the resulting communism and the republic of what could have been. Some extremists in Florida form Omega7 terrorist group engaging in terrorists activities with the aid of the US government.

What bothers me is they are willing to kill innocent people. That in my opinion is unacceptable in almost all circumstances including this one. What has those innocent people do to deserve death? Blowing up Cuban airliners? What will that achieve? Will Castro magically step down? Or will it strengthen not only his but the Cuban people's resolve?

The Cuban exiles=the Palestinians Castro and Cuba=Israel

But why no US support? Castro is communist, Israel is democracy.
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