15 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
My best friend and I saw the preview and she got the movie so I didn't buy it because I knew I would just borrow it from her (sorry movie makers:) My friend posted on the facebook page that this movie is the worst movie ever and it is unwatchable. Well maybe its because she hated on it so much that I thought it was cute. When it first started I thought oh god this is gonna suck like she said but it was cute. It takes time for the main guy to change and if you want everything to happen right away like in a big Hollywood movie then don't get this movie. But its cool how the character changes. Some of the jokes were gross but I thought when he dressed up like a gang member was funny. I think the actors did a good job and I think they should make more movies. The lead guy is cute and he's a better actor than most.
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