Whiskey Business (2012 TV Movie)
Actually Descent For A Pauly Shore Flick
25 March 2012
I just watched this movie on CMT and I was surprised. I mean its a corny title and has this weird cheap tune throughout the movie but it was actually not a bad movie. I've seen horrible movies before and this ain't one of them. Its probably the least annoying Pauly Shore film I've seen.

The movies begins when Shore's character is blamed for a murder in Jersey he didn't commit. He eventually hitch hikes to a small town in Tennesse called Shinbone where he stumbles upon a moonshine operation. He becomes friends with some of the locals and helps make the moonshine taste better by added a mixture of fruit to it and names it "Fruitshine". They serve it at the local bar where it instantly becomes the main drink but there's a problem... The crooked local sheriff wants his cut of the profit.

I give this movie a 6 out of 10 stars. Not the greatest movie but very watchable.
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