Greencastle (2012)
My thoughts :)
3 April 2012
My friend Koran Dunbar wrote, directed, and starred in the local film, Greencastle .. The movie touched me in so many ways .. I could relate to his messages & also to certain aspects of his characters life .. The catch phrase of the movie was, "If you never take chances, you'll never get opportunities" .. Some of us are just so stuck in our "comfort zones" that we never think outside of the box .. we blame others on how our lives have ended up, and most of all, we believe the phrase "God has a plan for us" .. No, we have a plan for ourselves .. God can give us direction and give our life meaning, but he can not make decisions for us .. I've relied on that phrase for so long .. It's more of an excuse .. You always want to blame someone else .. Either your mom, your dad, your childhood, an ex, your past .. Whatever it is .. Start living .. Don't let fear overcome you .. Take that chance .. Do something that you wouldn't normally do .. You just might be surprised of the outcome .. I laughed, I cried, I was shocked, I was caught off guard .. Either way, the movie was excellent & I'm so glad I got to be apart of that night .. Not only for Koran, & all of my work friends, but for myself .. Watching that movie has really changed my perspective on my life, my relationship, my thoughts on God ..
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