Luminaris (2011)
Hard to describe but wonderful.
6 April 2012
Sometimes you just need to watch a film and take it all in, as descriptions and reviews cannot do it justice. Clearly "Luminaris" is clearly such a film. I'll tell you a BIT about it but not the odd plot--but you really just need to see it. It's a strange fantasy film that exudes charm--and can't help but make you smile.

The film was shot using a process a lot like stop-motion. However, instead of trying to seamlessly putting it together so it looks smooth, they deliberately had a strange jerky sort of look that worked very well. I particularly loved how the people never walked--the just seemed to MOVE down the street using this film process.

As a result of seeing this film, I am going to find out if the filmmaker (Juan Pablo Zaramella) has made other films, as I am going to rush out to see them. The guy certainly has great skills and manages to make the most of a seemingly simple idea. You've gotta see this one...

By the way, although Zaramella is an Argentinian, the film has no dialog and can be seen and enjoyed by all.
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