Play of the Week: The Potting Shed (1961)
Season 2, Episode 16
Fantastic example of a dramatic play
7 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this play on TV when it first aired on Channel 13 in NYC. The years have passed and I can still remember the shock of the ending. It was a basic 2 room set and it was in black and white but it drew me in held me as a captive audience and then gave me a lot to discuss when it was over.

I don't know if it is available anywhere as a tape or DVD but if you are given the opportunity to watch it spoil yourself. It is not a light or flip show it is heavy and at times seems to creak along but it is all being used to set you up for the ending.

The cast did a fantastic job of creating the family hiding a secret that came very close to destroying one of their own. Today it would be filmed in color with three cameras rather than the single camera that was used in this production. If I remember correctly the total budget for any single play of the series was forty thousand dollars and the maximum salary for any of the players was $750. But this series and especially this play was a great introduction to what live theater was in the US at the time and what TV could reach in the right hands.
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