Review of G.B.H.

G.B.H. (1983)
dull flick but with some names who became famous
9 April 2012
Searching for rare flicks I came across this one. It was directed by David Kent-Watson, known in Britain as a cult director. This was his second flick and is still OOP and even rare to come across on VHS.

It shows why it became a rare flick to get, it is extremely slow and the acting is also one that wont win any prices. Clearly to see is that it is a low budget. There's a lot of overdub used especially in the part of the fighting scenes. And they used the same mourning and hitting over and over again. One thing that surprised me was some full frontal nudity in a sex scene but don't think that it is watchable. It's as cold as ice. Donocvan, the main lead played by Cliff Twemlow was seen a lot as writer and actor in flicks directed by Kent-Watson. The funniest thing is that Cliff was uncredited for music composer on Romero's Dawn Of The Dead (1978). Tracy played by Jane Cuncliffe went further to Coronation Street and The Bill but maybe the biggest name was John Saint Ryan as seen in the cult flick American Cyborg (1993) and a lot of series.

So for some it will be a hunt to see these young actors in this dull flick. It's only until the end, the last 10 minutes, that it is worth watching and even still then it's terrible with cheap effects. Also worth listening is the score used an the watch the scene's at 'The Zoo' were they are dancing. Maybe one shot is worth mentioning for the red stuff towards the end of the flick.

Hard to get G.B.H. and it shows why but worth watching for the reasons mentioned above.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 0,5/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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