Mad Men: Mystery Date (2012)
Season 5, Episode 4
The health scares continue....
9 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe the tagline for the fifth season of "Mad Men" should be "We aren't so young anymore."

Sure, in the past we have had a fair share of health scares on the hit AMC drama. From Roger's heart-attack to Peggy's surprise pregnancy and Don's panic-attacks, health has been a factor on this show in the past, but the health of our central and vital characters has been the biggest theme through the first three weeks and four episodes.

A week ago, Betty had a scare with cancer when a tumor was found on her throat during a checkup she was having (a checkup to receive diet pills for her now large frame). Though the tumor was benign, Betty and Don worried throughout the episode of the problems that could occur if she was to be sick and, possibly, pass away. Luckily, the tumor was not life-threatening.

One week later (in runtime not time of the show), Don is coughing away violently as he takes the elevator with his wife up to Sterling/Cooper/Draper/Pryce. Joined by a journalist and old romantic partner of Don's on the elevator ride, Megan is worried, both by Don continuously running into old flings and for his general health. Don needs to get through a meeting before he can go home, however, so he tries to rest before business.

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