The X-Files: Improbable (2002)
Season 9, Episode 13
Could have easily been so much more
10 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode revolves around numerology, which is accepted in new age beliefs just as much as astrology or tarot, which have been used in previous episodes and sometimes help and sometimes don't. The numerology aspect was instantly deemed a child's game (I had certainly never heard of it as a child), which I find odd because most people who don't like tarot or astrology can at least potentially accept numerology since it has it's roots in math, with people like Aristotle praising it. It's also a broader idea rather than a defined outcome.

My first problem was that Monica simply went to numerology instantly, despite never bringing up an interest in it before and for no apparent reason. She then consults a fairly respected numerologist, who flat out says she does believe in it. What? Why go to an "expert" who thinks that what she does is bull? Monica also randomly brings up karmic numbers without explaining them at all. Most people who have looked at it have never heard of them. They're technically a karmic debt that can affect any of your numbers, just adding additional challenges along the way. They were too late to save the last victim, and they way they caught the murder really had nothing to do with numerology at all.

Essentially they did just enough research to where people who have never heard of it would instantly debunk it as the show did, and to people who have even a slight grasp of it, it comes off as just making stuff up because it's not explained or even correct in its basic theory. This was the last season, the show was already going down hill, but if the writer had actually researched the method he was using at all it could have been a good episode. As it is, regardless of it being a new age thing or historical baseball stats, don't just make stuff up and pass it off as real. That's just insulting and lazy.
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