Why would you remake the Three Stooges?
13 April 2012
I can guarantee you that no one aside from the Farrelly brothers thought that remaking The Three Stooges was a good idea. With money behind them, the cast and crew only showed up for nothing but the paycheck. In the end, the Farrelly brothers decided to be creative and make the movie even worse than it should have been. How did they do that? They incorporated the cultural trash that is Jersey Shore. Quite unexpectedly, Jersey Shore became a key element of the movie—making it far worse than expected.

The Three Stooges—the original—were good because they were pioneers of a new form of comedy. Many decades later, the comedy of banging someone over the head has run dry. You cannot bring back pioneers decades later and expect the same result. Sure, this movie might have been funny back in the right era. But that era is long gone. This kind of humor is dead.

With the humor a dud, the movie had to rely on plot and acting. It didn't even try. The acting is so terrible that it looks like the Farrelly brothers never allowed for there to be a second take on any scene. Then again, they might have. The script was so horribly written and filled with cliché plot points that it would be difficult for any actor to take it seriously—no matter how many takes.

The Three Stooges is part of the studio practice of pumping the minimal dollar amount into a movie, targeting an audience, and pocketing the profit. There are enough people who still love the original Three Stooges to make a profit. Those involved in this movie likely knew that it was a sham and should never have been made. Real actors should never accept a script like this one. It has tainted my perception of a few actors—namely Jane Lynch.

There is no reason to see this movie. Just don't do it. By seeing it, you are encouraging the studios to push more and more garbage on us. If you are a fan of the original Three Stooges, go back and watch the original Three Stooges. In a few months, this move will be released on DVD. At that point, you should steal a copy (Do not buy—they do not deserve your money), gather a bunch of fans of the original Three Stooges, and burn the movie in effigy. That is the only way to return balance to the universe.

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