Review of The Funhouse

The Funhouse (1981)
Real time boredom
28 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Inexplicablilty added to the infamous "videos nasties" banned list in the UK during the 1980's Funhouse ranks as possibly the most boring horror movie of all time. Tobe Hooper dined out for years on the over-hyped Texas Chainsaw Massacre churning out derivative horror garbage like Funhouse during the subsequent years.

For a movie with a running time of one hour 35 minutes its about 44 minutes before anything remotely interesting happens. The walking talking clichés who enter the carnival do the attractions and then the viewer is taken round some of the attractions again. Yawn. In the meantime the kid brother of one of the main players, having sneaked out of the house and made his way to the carnival wanders around the funfair trying to find his older siblings. This is also really boring. Hooper has mastered the art of stringing out tedium to the point of infinity with a script that could be summarised on the back of a postage stamp. Even factoring in the age of the film, Funhouse is a cliché ridden, poorly acted borefest with a lamentable rubber faced monster. And some people rate this as a masterpiece. Nurse!.
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