An unintelligent mess inspired from two extremely intelligent foreign classics.
1 May 2012
As mentioned earlier in one of my recent reviews, here is another film made on the same low cost recipe of Bollywood which has more chances of recovering its cost featuring two fresh faces. Posing as a new age romantic comedy with few bold dialogues and novel sequences, London Paris NEW YORK once again follows the same old process of presenting before the audience a smart interesting dish, inspired from two great English Classics, adding the usual unavoidable Bollywood ingredients in it for a clichéd climax.

But here, few friends may like to support this movie with their argument that "How many of us have seen the Originals, so at least they are giving us something new." And in answer to their point raised, I would like to give my honest but strong opinion in the following words. LPNY revolves around only two main characters who become love birds as the time progresses and then in the end they realize that they were actually made for each other. The story basically talks about their meetings in three cities under different situations or time spans and the script largely relies on their mutual conversations alone to amuse the viewer. Now this whole concept of two people meeting each other in a journey, roaming around the city together and then parting with a promise to meet at a certain date is all taken from the two English masterpieces made in sequels. And they are BEFORE SUNRISE (1995) and BEFORE SUNSET (2004) directed by Richard Linklater featuring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy in the lead.

As an individual project, London Paris NEW YORK can be called a sweet film which tries to be extra ordinary in its first hour and then simply gives away to the routine path in the end. Many of the youngsters may like it due to the bold dialogues written realistically, its fine performances by Ali-Aditi and its few hummable songs composed & sung by Ali Zafar himself.

But in frank words, what this film does to a sincere cinema lover (eager to watch all the well made classics in the entire world)………….is nothing less than a SIN!

Why? Because London Paris NEW YORK simply snatches away all those surprises, thrills, love, sensuality, intelligence, intellect and magic which one can feel watching its two originals in their virginity. In other words, now after watching LPNY if you try watching the two movies mentioned above then you will never be able to enjoy them or feel them in the way you could have, as a surprise viewer. The Bollywood version clearly ruins the "Out of this world Experience" of watching these two classics which is nothing less than a SIN if seen from the eyes of a passionate cinema lover.

Truly speaking I rate both BEFORE SUNRISE (1995) and BEFORE SUNSET (2004) as one of the best movies made till date in the World Cinema, especially for those who don't just watch, but like to study the films made with such rare conviction. These two movies have the power to teach you love as an unexplained phenomenon, which has its own unlimited dimensions. They can teach you the value of relationships as never before and can enlighten your deep thinking patterns bringing in more clarity or understanding in your personal real life love affairs.

As a commercial venture, directed by the debutant Anu Menon, London Paris NEW YORK should turn out to be a safe bet, preferably in the metros. The director shows the sparks in the execution but if only the writers could have stayed away from the routine ending, the film would have been at least a little close to its originals. However at present its miles away from its actual sources and is not able to give you even a sip of that delicious drink offered by the two masterpieces. It neither impresses you as a thoughtful love story nor is able to leave a mark through its borrowed intellect shown in its few sequences.

Still considering it in a positive manner, if you have seen London Paris NEW YORK and liked it even partially then treat this Indian version as a loving invitation to the world of Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, the couple admiring each other. And if you haven't seen this new Bollywood release till now but the narration does excite you then before watching it, essentially go for BEFORE SUNRISE (1995) and BEFORE SUNSET (2004) as a must like an emergency. Because watching these two classics without having any preset notions about their actual content is something beyond explanation and imagination.

In the end though this is a write-up on London Paris NEW YORK which is unarguably an unintelligent mess inspired from two extremely intelligent foreign classics. Yet I would like to use it to inform all lovers and cinema freaks here, about these two precious gems, which should not be missed or delayed at any cost.

So if you are a lover or have felt the true love ever in your entire past then do watch BEFORE SUNRISE (1995) and BEFORE SUNSET (2004) both, like an essential medication for your precious life. London Paris NEW YORK might be cute in its own limited way but director Richard Linklater's two babies really talk about something of the BEYOND..............which cannot be copied ever.
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