Filière 13 (2010)
Surprisingly gentle humour
3 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In many ways a follow up to "Trois P'tits Cochons", another film pairing Claude Legault and Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge.

The plot is partly stolen from the Richard Dreyfuss, Emilio Estevez buddy cop movie "Steakout". Don't expect too much originality on that front.

Director-actor Patrick Huard creates very flawed and vulnerable set of characters who only want what everyone else wants, peace love and understanding. Even the "bad guys" have gentle motivations that underline their humanity. One criminal is trying to smuggle dirty money out of the country in order to retire with his beloved wife and give her a comfortable lifestyle. Another is trying to get to his aged mother. When he finally shows up he talks about bringing her a cream for her injured arm.

The cop protagonists are going through their own ups and, mostly downs. What could have been a straight drama becomes far more endearing as we see the bond these guys form through their common misery.

Lemay-Thivierge is given a couple of brilliant comical scenes in which he gets out of tight situations by improvising and creating characters. He is well known as an energetic (even manic) performer. In recent years though, he has shown the ability to control and modulate his performances.

Legault is always an outstanding actor. I am a little disappointed to see his character is a little too reminiscent of the one he created for "Minuit le Soir".

While the film is perhaps not a must see film, it does have enough going for it that I can recommend it. Enjoyable.
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