Twin Peaks: Cooper's Dreams (1990)
Season 1, Episode 6
Clues in the woods
4 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
With a group of Icelandic businessmen staying at the Great Northern Agent Cooper does not get a good night's sleep... they do like to sing! After his morning coffee they search Jacque Renault's house and find a rather surprising picture in a magazine; Cooper identifies it as Laura despite her face not being in frame; he recognises the red curtains from his dream! A further clue leads them to a cabin in the woods where they have an interesting conversation with the log lady before heading onto a second cabin. Here they find significant clues including the myna bird that bit Laura and a broken poker chip; the missing piece of which matched the piece found in Laura's stomach. Cooper and the police aren't the only people finding clues; Laura's cousin Maddy has found a cassette hidden in her room but so far its contents remain a mystery. Away from the murder case Laura's father has a breakdown in the Great Northern and Shelly finally confronts her violent husband Leo.

This was another fine episode that had clues coming thick and fast although it is still anybody's guess where they will lead and how they may or may not be related to Laura's murder. Once again Sherilyn Fenn made quite an impression as the seductive Audrey Horne; first when she forces the manager of her father's shop to give her the position she wants and secondly when she turns up in Agent Cooper's bed! Catherine E. Coulson's performance as the 'Log Lady' kept me wondering if her character is mad, psychic or whether she is somehow a witness to the events she described... once again in Twin Peaks confusion proves to be a good thing. Norma's husband Hank has only just got out of prison but already he looks as if he may prove to be an interesting character; he has already thumped Leo and if anybody deserves to be thumped it is Leo!
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