Fringe: Brave New World: Part 1 (2012)
Season 4, Episode 21
Hello Old Friend
4 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
And Goodbye Jones.

His end was ironically similar to the way Peter dealt with him in "There's More than One of Everything." Odd, that - Jones was trying to get to the other side to see Belly, we assumed for the purposes of doing very bad things to him. But what if it was for the reason we saw here? Peter stopped him in S1, but in the Bridge 'Verse, he made it over - And Belly, as we can see, is still alive.

Olivia hints to Peter she wants a house with a Nursery. Is that just wishful thinking, or a premonition of the possible Birth of Henry-Etta?

And then these people start to combust - Belly must have known that Walter would Fringe Out who is making these toys that Jones has been playing with: Human Shapeshifters, Batupines, and now Nanites - Now we know how Jones could possibly be several steps ahead of Walter and Peter. It would seem Jones was the "Darth Vader" to William Belly's "Emperor."

All the way back in Season 1 William Bell had been named as the titular head of ZFT. Nicholas Boone was adamant about it, in the episode "Midnight" in what was tantamount to a deathbed confession. Other mentions are in "The Dreamscape." But he presented such a grandfatherly face to Olivia when he pulled her over- And he gives her an assignment that maybe he knew she would not be able to carry out - Notice that he had told Olivia to show Nina the design that would be on Thomas Jerome Newton's Head: But Nina did not know anything about it.

It was as if, Belly was setting Olivia up to fail. Notice! Belly worked with Walternate on the other side, so he knew all that was going to happen with "The Vacuum" - The Machine which Only Peter could control.

But that was a different set of 'Verses - And that timeline got erased. And we know that William Bell expended his energy to get Walter and Peter back home, and that he gave Olivia "Soul Magnet Tea."

Has the enemy been William Bell all along? Would he have done these bad things if he had not "vaporised" himself in S2E23?

Walter quickly with the help of Olivia's sudden "Jean Grey" powers saves Losts Rebecca Mader (who was very quick to volunteer to be a Fringy-Pig - Was she a Mole?) from a fate worse than, but ending in, death: And he finds evidence of Belly immediately - Nina ain't having any of it. Also, Belly had visited Walter, apparently after he was officially dead. But Walter Fringes that out as well: Using a Self-Sealing Cortexiphan Cake. Kind of like a Self-Sealing Stembolt.

But as that was too easy, Jones starts another dilemma: The Last Dilemma he would ever start. And did I say "Jean Grey?" Yes I did! Looks like Olivia is gonna be in the "X-Men."

And was this second "Light Show" that Jones started - Was that just a ruse to get Walter divided from Peter again?

And now the fun is only just beginning, Old Friend. Se ya Next week, same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel! PS: Some idiots didn't like this ep-ya cant please some people.
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