Made in Britain (1983 TV Movie)
Early Tim Roth....
8 May 2012
I've always admired and liked Tim Roth, believing him to be one of the U.K's finest acting exports. I found this DVD at a local CashConverters for 99p and it sat on my shelf for a year.

Finally seeing it, it did not surprise me that within ten minutes, not only had skinhead Trevor (Roth) stolen a car but was also sniffing glue, with his room-mate from the open assessment detention centre that the Court had only just sent him to.

I so wanted not for this to be a catalogue of 'let's be as nasty racist criminals as we possibly can' but couldn't see how it would not be. As a pertinent statement on Thatcher's Capitalist Britain it certainly hits hard, with Roth being very believable and natural, his facial configurations often being a whole act in themselves.

The film does try and breakdown how the bright Trevor got to this stage in life, which to do in a credible way, is commendable. The 4:3 TV ratio, the natural lighting and '80s slightly dingy images suit the subject perfectly, having a near documentary feel. There's also a solid supporting cast of social workers, case workers etc that are familiar to British TV drama audiences.

The strong dialogue with 'f' words aplenty seem natural and often used with anger and menace. Made In Britain will be many people's worst kind of nightmare viewing, but let them keep their cosy Sunday night gentle 'drama'. This is true drama, not cotton-wool wrapped in caramel gooey stuff that is far too prevalent. For those who want - and appreciate - a roller-coasting journey down Reality Street, then this is the real deal.
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