The Shunning (2011 TV Movie)
Book to Movie - Not Translated Well
10 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's been awhile since I read the book, but the translation to movie didn't quite work for me.

There were a number of things that felt wrong. For starters, the actress playing the main character, Katie Lapp, had makeup on in every scene. A lot of makeup. Amish don't wear makeup, and I even noticed some of it on her mother. This bugged the crap out of me, like they weren't willing to make their main actress look just a little 'less pretty' (in their eyes) to maintain authenticity.

Plus, I felt the actor for Daniel Fischer was much too young and didn't quite fit the picture in my head. Ah well, that happens though.

They rushed through the shunning scene much too quickly, as well. A pivotal scene in that book/movie, they should have shown it how it actually was (if I remember correctly, in front of the whole congregation).

I still enjoyed the movie, but overall the level of acting and the little details like makeup (and flawless hair for Katie Lapp) just didn't do it for me.
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