Review of Meskada

Meskada (2010)
small town murder mystery
16 May 2012
The reason i give it a 8 is because i liked the movie and i think it is worth watching.. i really like how the ending was, although some people don't like open ended endings but when i watch a movie i want it to be like "real" and life isn't perfect not all things happen like they're supposed to, so watch it! i think you will like it....and if you don't? you can write a review..

I don't want to give the story away but basically a little boy gets murdered. At first, your thinking is it the mother? Is it the father?

The main character is the guy who did terminator 3. Not the young kid..the dude that was cast beside Claire Daines. Yeah him, but he did a good job i thought. A little to laid back at times but i guess thats him. This was a good role, so it didn't matter who played it. His partner was new to me, she kinda looked like a young Jodi Foster, pretty cute, she also did a good job acting. Well, its their job to find suspects in a clueless murder scene, which is a tough task to begin with and with their good wits they get on the right track and begin to figure things out, but you know it ain't easy dealing with small town citizens....especially these...they're town is victim to this bad economy and it seems if they aren't gonna get help they are in no mood to help these pushy detectives.
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