The Bod Squad (1974)
Hot Chicks in Underwear Kicking Ass...What's Not To Love?
21 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered this film by accident in the summer of 1978 in New York City, roaming Manhattan with some time to kill and a few dollars in my pocket. In those days the 42nd St district was alive with adult entertainment unlike today's sanitized, Disney-ized fare. In a lot of ways this film was the grand-daddy of female exploitation. The original title was "The Virgins of the Seven Seas" or "Enter The Seven Virgins" (take that, Bruce Lee!). Hot western (German) girls are kidnapped into slavery in order to please their eventual owners but wait!!! They secretly train in martial (not marital) arts to defeat the male pigs who would own them. Of course they do this in the most humiliating and degrading way while clad in their colorful and scanty underwear. Tarantino surely must have seen this film in his youth and turned it into Kill Bill. The bad dubbing, obvious wigs but credible (and sexy) fight scenes only added to my enjoyment of this over-the-top action comedy. I only wish it was available in some format these days so that I could own a copy. Still, I'll never forget how much fun this movie was.
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