Twin Peaks: Arbitrary Law (1990)
Season 2, Episode 9
The killer is arrested
23 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Two episodes ago we learnt the answer to one of televisions greatest mysteries; 'Who killed Laura Palmer?' now it is time to see him put behind bars... or is it? A missing page from Laura's secret dairy is sent to her friend Donna; as she reads it to Agent Cooper he realises that the night before she died she had the same strange dream he had had; the one with the dancing dwarf where an older Laura whispered something in the ear of an older Cooper. When Donna goes to see Laura's father to ask her to post something to Maddy Leland gets a phone call saying that she hasn't arrived home; he looks in the mirror and Bob looks back; clearly Donna is in real danger. Luckily the police come to the door at that point to talk to Leland. As the episode approaches its conclusion Cooper assembles the various suspects and recalls the dream once again... Laura says it was her father who killed her. Leland isn't immediately arrested, Ben is but Leland is asked to come to the police station as his attorney. Once here he is pushed into a cell and the man inside may look like Leland Palmer but his behaviour is pure Bob!

This was a great conclusion to the mystery of Laura's killing; it had all the trademark strangeness we have come to expect from the series and even though the person who physically killed her is caught we still don't know what Bob is; perhaps he is just the evil side of Leland, perhaps he is a malevolent spirit who will find another body to inhabit or perhaps we will never know! Ray Wise puts in a great performance as Leland; his behaviour when caught is totally wild; like another person entirely... he almost looks different. My only concern now is that the story won't be able to maintain its momentum with the main mystery solved; only time will tell though; I suspect the creators will come up with something interesting.
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