I Am Omega (2007 Video)
Fair Adaptation (or Rip)
23 May 2012
I Am Omega (2007)

** (out of 4)

The Asylum hits back with their own cash-in on Will Smith's I AM LEGEND. This adaptation of the Richard Matheson story features Mark Dacascos as Renchard, the last man on Earth who has had this title since an unknown thing happened which caused everyone to die (the cause is never made clear in the film). Thanks to the internet that is still working for some reason, Renchard manages to find out about a woman living nearby and she just happens to know where a colony of survivors is. First the two must destroy the zombie creatures that are stalking them. Anyone who knows anything about The Asylum knows that the company truly has turned out some of the worst movies in recent memory and it's rather shocking how good I AM OMEGA turned out. It's far from being a good movie and it's certainly not in the same league as the Smith version (or the Price and Heston ones) but at the same time it really does seem that the filmmaker's hearts were in the right place. For the most part the subject matter is taken very serious and we're given a pretty good look at someone who is all alone in the world. I thought the early scenes building up the situation of the lead character were handled very well and I thought that there was some nice atmosphere to be found as well. Another good thing were the actual monsters as they looked very good and I thought they made for great villains. They seem like a cross between your typical zombies and the monsters from THE ALLIGATOR PEOPLE but either way they look fine. The performances are decent but they're really not asked to do too much. The main problems with the film is that we've simply seen this story so many times before and nothing new is done with it here. I'd also say that some of the CGI gunshot wounds look very bad and at 90-minutes things start to drag towards the end. Still, I AM OMEGA is a masterpiece when you compare it to other films from the studio but this still remains only for those interested in seeing every version of the original story.
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