Review of Love

Love (I) (2012)
childish screenplay, bad directing, casting and acting
25 May 2012
i don't know why most of the Taiwanese screenplay writers, directors and actors never could anything right so far. for years, i've been waiting to see if there at least one or two screenplay writers could script something a bit mature enough to allow us have the patience to sit through a whole movie instead of walking out of the cinema or rejecting the DVD, or, not to use remote control to press down the fast forward button. for years, we've been waiting for director niu or director kevin chu to produce something matured enough instead of those childish stuff for the teenagers. the funny thing is even those movies they directed were for adult audiences, and there were enough adult actors in their movies, but from the very beginning of every movie or, to the end of every movie, they just looked so childish and immature. for years, we've been waiting some of the actors, male or female, could perform at least some believable or convincing enough roles in those movies, but every time, they just turned out to be under aged. they way they deliver the dialog was just horrible, they always spoke like teenagers, even they played adult roles.

this movie is no exception: the screenplay not only formulaic contrite but also very laughable. the storyline, scenario and the plot were so old and so boring, there were nothing new or breaking-thru new. the casting of this movie was also so inappropriate, young adult actors still looked like immature teenagers, while Qi Shu, an very old actress, still tried to play a very young woman, torn between material marriage or true love and, my god, she's so ugly! when we saw her face and we could not help if putting her features on a man's face, it would still be a disaster. and the other female actor, Wei Zhao, they recruited from mainland china, was also a disastrous cast, the romance this screenplay scripted for her and the taiwanese male actor, was like mother and son romance, and it's very uncomfortable to watch. furthermore, the dialog when the young actor tried to shoo the kid coming down from the tree was extremely laughable; how could you use such overly adult words to persuade her son coming down the tree? and her son's dialog was also too old for such a kid. the so-called sloppy dialog in taiwanese natural style was the worst to be taken seriously, no matter how old or what gender those actors playing, they seemed to speak out of the same mouth, every sentence ended with a prolonged AH, MA, LA, NE, BA dragging sound, and almost all the actors, male or female, young or old, simply couldn't deliver one clearly audible sentence. sometimes, you have to read the subtitles to understand what their dialog were about.

this is another big-yawn heavily formatted new-wine-in-old-bottle bore to death movie. another seeing one seeing all taiwanese movie.
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