"Overrated Hype" Era of Cinema.
29 May 2012
Kudos for awesome effects, but I was left to ask myself is this movie supposed to be funny or is it serious?

It was SO disappointing...it started out so great and was a flaw festival after the first 10 minutes.

This would be fun if you were on mushrooms. Without question...this very movie started the "overrated hype" era of cinema. All special effects and a laughable plot. Not one actor is proud of their performance in this movie, either. Pathetic waste of time. This film began a long run of total disappointment. I am sure people who loved it demanded their friend go run out and see it or rent it.

I am willing to wager...no matter what they told you to your face...in every single case...your friend never listened to your opinion again.

This movie opened the flood gates to the rest of the over hyped, overrated and over advertised garbage flooding TV screens and theaters today.

The great dead film makers of the past rolled over in their graves at least 3 times after this disaster of a movie came out.
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