High Powered (1945)
Good effort vs. low budget in enjoyable action drama
30 May 2012
Phyllis Brooks (leading lady) and Mary Treen (sidekick) are heading west, pulling a lunch wagon behind their car. Their goal: set up in business at the big new construction site. They pick up hitchhiker Robert Lowery, heading west himself to take a job—as a grape picker? Why not work on the big building project? –It's quickly established that although Lowery used to be one of the best "high men" in the construction business, he has no interest in returning to that field.

Lowery's fear of heights—the result of an accident that wasn't his fault—is the main story line here. Needless to say, he winds up on the job at the building site, in a position that will keep him on the ground…for the time being.

The girls' efforts to get their business up and running is one subplot; another is the relationship that slowly but predictably builds between Brooks and Lowery. Joe Sawyer is also on hand as a fellow worker, reliable as always for some solid laughs. The various plot threads rarely surprise but do hold together okay.

Footage from genuine construction sites adds a realistic look to numerous scenes; unfortunately, there are also plenty of rear projection shots, some rather weakly done—two guys walking in place in front of a screen showing some construction machinery is tough to pull off convincingly. Overall, though, the acting is energetic and the script quite strong: the producers here clearly spent their efforts on performances rather than special effects, and that's okay.

Adventure, comic relief, a bit of patriotism...and it all builds to a truly exciting climax. Quite familiar—but pretty good!
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