Monster Brawl (2011)
Not even for children
31 May 2012
"Monster Brawl" - 8 Classic monsters duking it out.

Sounds AWESOME, but plays Awful.

This movie caters to fans of wrestling more than monster fans - it's just as bad and fake as normal wrestling, but not in a cheesy good way. The humor is mostly devoid of humor and the same type of "joke" is used over and over. The movie looks good, the concept is solid - the script and execution is god awful.

This movie would have been fun as a 7 min short... As is, it's unfathomably boring - I don't even know any children that have the attention span to sit through this inane garbage as essentially the action is not really action and in between the action it's just a lot of gibberish from the commentators.

Do yourself a favor and watch a classic monster flick instead or "Elvira Mistress of the Dark" to get your cult monster flick fill.
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