Review of Continuum

Continuum (I) (2012–2015)
1 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Time and opportunity.

Decent start. Lousy finish.

TV people need a strong reminder that they are not in the movie business. Everything does not need to be neatly wrapped up by the end of the first episode. Show some sophistication. Making a pitch to networks and advertisers is one thing, keeping a viewer interested for entire seasons is another

The start is interesting because of the ambiguity. Possibly evil corporation against possibly good rebels.

But buildng explosion tilts the balance and by the cop killing the die is cast.

So all you are left with is the usual boring heroic cop and despicable villains. Quite a feat, making something futuristic look so old and hackneyed.

Time travel and future tech is nowhere near interesting enough to save this.

Less black and white characters all struggling with an unknown time and place, now that might have created some genuine suspense and interest.

Instead you get another doa cop show with some outlandish premise. Worked so well for Alcatraz, right ? Nope.

Rachel looks strikingly good. In recent times she has just looked fat but not here. Sculpted not starved. Unfortunately acting ability is as limited as before.

Good to see smoking man again.

Rest of the cast is forgettable.

Doubt this will continue for long.

Wish them well.

Thank you.
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