the worst movie i have ever seen
2 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
this has to be the worst movie ever made who ever mad this movie should never me aloud make another movie there's not one good actor in the movie the story is bad from start to finish i cant think of one good thing to say about this movie except i hope it never comes on TV ever again even the zombies are bad they all look the same at least with good zombie movies like dawn on the dead and 28 days later none of the zombies look the same may be its because this movie cost about 20 bucks to make the actors in this movie should get medals for bad acting the red neck and his girl friend are the worst people is this bad movie and what was the point of the soldier guy he was pointless in the movie and why in gods name did they end the movie with them walking off like 2 losers i have a idea im going to end the movie with 2 people walking on a high way give me a break
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