Fringe: Jacksonville (2010)
Season 2, Episode 15
How to Rid the NYC Skyline of unsightly Buildings
5 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably the first Fringe Episode to have an elongated scene depicting The Other Side: A Man is carefully navigating a cup of precious Coffee to his workstation: His project? He's designing part of the new Pentagon. His conversation with his workmate reveals 1) Coffee is Rare and Expensive and 2) There is something odd going on, especially after an earthquake the man is shown to have suddenly sprouted two new arms and legs and he's merged into a support beam. Not a very comfortable place to be.

Fringe Division rapidly learns that this is the work of Thomas Jerome Newton, but they still don't know his full agenda. But one thing Walter does know: If a building from The Other Side was brought over to this side, then within 36 hours, a building from *this* side with the same mass will be brought over to the *other side*

Walter knows a way to find out which building will be brought over: It is related to the special vision of Rebecca Kibner (S2E1 and S2E4), who could see objects and people "from the other side." But Walter now knows: Olivia had that same ability, was the first one to develop it during the Cortexiphan Trials of the '80's.

But in order to jump-start Olivia's ability, they need to go back to Jacksonville, Florida, to the day care center where the trials were held.

Olivia is given Cortexiphan and Walter walks her through the initial phase: She has to "meet herself as a Child" in a vision of a dark forest. The Child in her vision is afraid, but the grown up Olivia is not. Ada Breker plays the very young Olivia, reprises the role in the S3E19 "novelty 19th" episode.

Olivia is very irritated with Walter about the trials, and this does not help matters. And the experiment ultimately fails, because the Grown Up Olivia does not have fear like the Child had. In order for Olivia to begin seeing things from the other side, she has to have an episode of Fear.

Back in NYC, it has begun. Dogs are barking and Micro-quakes shake the Massive Dynamic building where they are trying desperately to locate which building will be pulled over.

An interesting production twist in this episode was that they made Peter's skin start glowing yellow, in preview to Olivia seeing him as he is: A person from The Other Side.

Olivia becomes afraid, and so she sees the building. At that point, Peter is *very* yellow, but not glowing yet: Olivia must have suspected. We get to see a Hotel sucked over to the other side. Olivia and a Bell Hop almost get sucked over with the building. She tells the Bell Hop he could probably safely take the night off.

Olivia picks up Peter so they could go out for drinks: She sees Peter glowing, and Walter knows it: At his admonition, she refrains from Telling Peter: For now.

This episode delves deep into the characters of Olivia and Walter, and we have a hint of what Newton is trying to do. But in the end, Olivia is angry at Walter for the whole thing: The Drug Trials and Peter.
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