Worse than at least 97 of the Bottom 100 on IMDb.
5 June 2012
This is a straight to video release--and it appears to have been made using a VHS camcorder. I love how the film is often out of focus and has a VERY slow zoom--which means the equipment was way out of date even back in 2004. I love how there are completely random and cruddy looking edits. I love how some of the camera-work through the corn maze causes motion sickness in the viewer! I love how every trick and gizmo on the camera is used--even if there is no rational reason for it! The bottom line is that any yahoo with no talent could have filmed this...and apparently one did. In fact, it really looks like someone's home movies.

As for the story, I couldn't really discern much of one. It takes place around a corn maze but WHAT was happening and why...?! Mostly, it's just random running about and yelling. The acting is strictly the kids and friends of the filmmaker--with as much talent as you'd expect from people who in a home movie! The bottom line is that this looks FAR less professional than the movies of Ed Wood or even Tommy Wiseau's "The Room"! At least in some strange way they could be seen as movies or at least attempts at movies. "The Maize" is just home video and nothing more. While the film is currently #47 on IMDb's dubious Bottom 100 list, this seems like a travesty, as in comparison, at least 97 of the films on the list look more professional. It should be #1 or #2.
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