My summer in Tehran 2007
6 June 2012
I just caught this program on TV, and it brought back all my memories of when I stayed in Iran in 2007 for 6 weeks. I was born in Holland and moved to the US when I was 1 year old, moved back to Holland when I was 4, and was lucky to have parents that never got over their travel bug, and got to see most of Europe, holidays in the US and we finally settled in Australia. And it's where I made my connection to this wonderful country due to meeting my ex wife here.

As much as my relationship with my ex wife fell apart, I will never forget the warm people I met in Tehran, my ex in-laws treated me like a rock star when I was in Iran, their warmth and friendliness was at times overwhelming, and I have nothing but the up-most respect for the people of Iran. My ex came from Mashhad, and I was blessed to have been married at the Imam Reza shrine, and was invited back their for a guided tour, and was taken behind close doors and got to see parts of their culture that even most Iranians would not see.

My stay in Iran was by far the best 6 weeks of my life, sure being treated like a rock star helped, being the only 6'4' blue eyed very fair skinned Dutch looking man around, made every one look at me, ask questions and so on, but no one at any times disrespected me in any way, Iranians are the most polite people I have ever met.

I loved the total traffic chaos in Tehran, and it felt like that town never went to sleep, every one goes out at night for walks, pick-nicks and get together's with friends and family, and food has never tasted the same after the food I tasted in Iran, the best kebab's, you could spent a year in Iran and still not taste all the different foods.

After I was married I spent traveling too some of the best archaeological sites in Iran, got to meet some great people, and was totally lost in the love I had for my ex wife at the time, sad but hey life is what is, and I will cherish my 6 week summer in Iran till the last day of my life.

I am blessed to have seen lots of this blue planet, and based on my travels I like to think the people I have met in Iran are no different then you and I! most show warmth and friendship, want peace and happiness for not just their own families, but for all people around the world.

So if you ever have the change to be wild, fall in love with an Iranian girl and follow your heart, and fly to the Middle East.
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