A movie that's lost somewhere... Sofia Coppola is not 1% of what her father is!!! Not recommended at all!!! Do not waste your time. Period.
12 June 2012
How can such a pathetically sad movie win an Oscar?! And how can the saddest actor ever be even nominated for an Oscar??!!

There's always a disconnect in the movie, it never at all connected to me... not for a bit... And the screenplay is irritatingly slow and expected... The end of the movie is dragged to hell... Even after bidding goodbye to each other, they forcibly keep on meeting... For what intents and purpose, Ms. Sofia Coppola??!! And after meeting also, they don't speak a thing, neither does their meeting suffice anything in the story and neither are their meetings any interesting... They talk sometimes in the movie and that too is so so boring... Scarlett Johansson keeps asking him stupid questions that rarely have any relation to what's going on in the movie or what the director is trying to show and Bill Murray as expected keeps giving lame replies and still Scarlett manages to laugh forcefully... lol... Like the instance when she asks him "Why Japanese people speak 'L' instead of 'R'?" or the instance where she asks him "Does marriage get any easier?" All Bill Murray manages to reply is "It's hard" with a stone face and then starts narrating his pathetic personal story... On how his wife doesn't roam around with him these days... haha... Get a break man... Firstly, it was a really lame reply, then a lame story and some lame acting and lame lame dialogues and no personal connect at all!!! God! Why did I waste my time on such a movie?!

Bill Murray, as I said, is the saddest actor ever, especially in this movie... What a stupid selection of the main actor by Sofia Coppola!!! He doesn't let his emotions out at all... He doesn't open up as an actor. If he's asked to do something, he'll just move his face without expressions and monotonously speak what he has to speak.... I mean if he's asked to walk, he'll just walk without any expressions; if he's asked to talk on phone, he'll just talk without a hint of sentiments or reaction or excitement or anything for that matter... He lacks all of it... Just speaking and talking and sitting and walking does not mean acting, Mr. Murray! An actor has got to be smart, apply his brains and open up whereas Bill Murray is just stone faced in the whole movie... And those few good one liners don't suit him cos he wastes those good one-liners and neither is he strong enough as a lover...

Its really a movie that's lost somewhere... Sofia Coppola is not 1% of what her father is!!! Not recommended at all!!! Do not waste your time. Period.
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